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  • "Ice Cream"

    This project built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It was my first project with SheCodes. We learned HTML and CSS from scratch and how to build a landing page. We were free to choose any subject and color-scheme of the project. As I like sweets, I decided to make a project about IceCream.

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  • "Weather App"

    This project built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This project is a simple vanilla js desktop weather application. It updates for locations manually set by user and user's location as well. It recieves data from OpenWeatherMap API.

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  • "Web Studio"

    This project built with HTML, SCSS and JavaScript using BEM. It was my first project with GoIT Academy. We learned HTML and CSS from scratch and how to build a adaptive landing page. This web site is well worked at the desctop, tablet and mobile screens.

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  • "Ice Cream"

    This project built with HTML, SCSS and JavaScript on Node.js using BEM. It was my first team project with GoIT Academy. We learned HTML and CSS from scratch and how to build a adaptive landing page. In This web site is well worked at the desctop, tablet and mobile screens. At this project, I developed the footer, fixed the header on the top of the page. Also I styled buttons, titles and images using css.animate and helped the team-leader to correct the general code of the our team.

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